History Curriculum

We aim to create historically literate pupils who will take with them a broad knowledge of local, British and World History.


In History, we seek to provide a curriculum rich in powerful knowledge through lessons that challenge our pupils to think deeply.  History is a subject that contextualises the modern world through the past and develops a natural culture of enquiry.    Having studied History, Whickham pupils should leave as politically literate, thoughtful and critical thinkers.  We believe that History provides a greater depth and understanding to the wider curriculum.  It will enable them to piece together disparate pieces of information into a narrative that is coherent and logical.  Through the work undertaken at Whickham School, pupils will leave with a lifelong love of the subject.  

What skills and knowledge will pupils develop?

Skills and knowledge are inextricably linked.  The History curriculum has been designed for learning to be based around enquiry questions.  Each unit at KS3 has a primary second order concept which forms the basis of the assessed outcome.  In addition to this there will be supplementary second order concepts for most of the units.  With ‘Cause and Consequence’ and ‘Interpretations’ forming the main foundation, pupils will understand relative importance, be able to categorise causes, create a clear argument and be able to evidence this.  With interpretations, pupils will be able to understand that history has been interpreted differently across time.  As their skills develop, they will be able to explain how, in turn these interpretations are driven by the context in which they are produced and often tell us as much about this as the event itself.  The curriculum consciously deals with questions of diversity throughout.

Access for all pupils

All pupils have a right to learn history.  Differentiation is best achieved through scaffolding material whilst teaching to the top.  Where there are specific learning needs, for example pupils who are hearing impaired, lessons and materials will be adapted accordingly.

History Learning Journey

History learning journey

Curriculum outlines

Click below for our more detailed outline documents for each key stage: