Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information is information relating to occupations and industries, such as job numbers and salaries in the local area. It can also include a range of more specific details, such as educational levels for occupations, workforce demographics, and numbers of establishments in particular sectors.Ā  Understanding the LMI about our local area and the UK as a whole will help you to make informed and realistic decisions based on:

  • Job availability
  • Unemployment Rates
  • Skills Gaps
  • Growth Sectors
  • Hours of work
  • Wage Rates

The April LMI Bulletin from the Education Development Trust – containing key economic and development information that can affect the labour market both Nationally and by Region.


Covid19 – Impact on the North East Economy

There is little doubt the pandemic has hit our region hard. But now is the time to do what the North East does best. We will go again, with ambition and determination, to build an economy that is stronger, greener and more inclusive than ever before. By understanding the impacts of covid19 on our economy and on the Labour Market you can start to make informed decisions about where the growth sectors are and what jobs or careers will be needed in the future.


North East Salaries – May 2023

  • The average salary in the North East is Ā£29,400 per annum (the UK average is Ā£33,200 per annum)


The North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP) have identified the following 5 Sectors as being of strategic importance for our region, and they currently employ 150,000 people:

  • Digital
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Energy
  • Knowledge Intensive Business Services


A further 150,000 people work in the 3 enabling services that support the growth of the North East Economy:

  • Construction
  • Education
  • Transport and Logistics


It is likely that, by 2035, half a million extra workers will be required in the following Sectors:

  • Health, Education and Public Administration (183,000)
  • Retail, Hospitality and Transport (140,000)
  • Business, Arts, Recreation and Personal Services (125,000)
  • Manufacturing (23,000)
  • Construction (19,000)
  • Other sectors including agriculture and utilities (10,000)




Labour Market Information by job role

You can use the following tool to compare job roles, their expected incomes and projected growth along with common responsibilities and tasks

For more links to useful LMI sites check out our Careers Resources Page