Our Vision

“Whickham, a school to be proud of at the heart of the community. Where learning is cherished in a safe, caring and supportive environment. A school where everyone is valued and inspired to be the best they can be.”



Our Priorities

Leaders have identified long term school improvement priorities (two to five years in nature) and short term priorities (to be achieved within the next year). These priorities are organised under relevant areas of provision and linked to our four keys to success.  Impact criteria, evidence and timescales are detailed in the full improvement plan.

Leadership and Management

  • Staff, parents and pupils understand and live the school values and beliefs.
  • Leaders are highly effective in leading the process of school improvement and securing impact. 
  • The school is engaged in partnerships that improve the quality of provision at Whickham and other schools in the local area.  
  • The learning environment effectively supports strong pupil progress.
  • The school is financially stable 

Quality of Education

  • Development of an aspirational and personal curriculum for all. The curriculum is aspirational, meets the needs of all pupils and results in strong pupil progress.
  • High quality, holistic assessment and feedback that leads to positive progress for all.
  • There is no difference in performance between boys and girls by the end of KS4.
  • Removal of performance gaps between disadvantaged and other pupils.

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Pupils consistently demonstrate a positive attitude towards their learning.
  • Staff and pupils create a positive learning environment rooted in mutual respect.
  • Staff and pupils make a positive contribution to the school and wider community.

Personal Development

  • Pupils access and participate in a rich set of experiences and opportunities to develop wider life skills.
  • Pupils develop the strength of character to be well rounded citizens and successful learners.
  • The school champions a culture of equality, diversity and wellbeing.


Leadership and Management

  • Leaders are highly effective in the implementation of our curriculum and policies

Quality of Education

  • Ensure pupils use and understand a wide vocabulary and access a wide range of experiences through reading.
  • Significantly reduce the progress and attainment gap between boys and girls
  • Pupil progress is accelerated through ensuring existing teaching & learning strategies are embedded and built upon
  • Existing teaching & learning strategies are embedded and built upon

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Pupil conduct and behaviour for learning is consistently outstanding
  • Pupil attendance is 1% above local and national averages

Personal Development

  • Ensure extra-curricular participation is widened, more inclusive and rigorously tracked
  • Ensure all pupils access a high quality and impartial careers education and guidance.