Our Vision

“Whickham, a school to be proud of at the heart of the community. Where learning is cherished in a safe, caring and supportive environment. A school where everyone is valued and inspired to be the best they can be.”



Our Priorities

Leaders have identified long term school improvement priorities and short term priorities. These priorities are organised under relevant areas of provision and linked to our four keys to success.  Impact criteria, evidence and timescales are detailed in the full improvement plan.

  • Whickham pupils are safe. A culture exists where safeguarding practices are clear and embedded in the practice of pupils and staff. Effective communication and high levels of trust ensure pupils understand how to stay safe and are confident in talking to adults when they are worried or experience difficulties. 
  • Pupil conduct is excellent. Pupils demonstrate high levels of respect for others and we have an environment where everyone is valued. Incidences of poor behaviour, including bullying, harassment and violence are low and these behaviours are never tolerated.
  • Pupils consistently demonstrate positive attitudes to learning and make a positive contribution to our community. Pupils demonstrate resilience when faced with challenges and both understand and apply effective learning and study techniques.
  • Whickham pupils grow into well rounded citizens. They experience a wide range of opportunities and make the most of their unique talents and abilities. Pupil participation, from all groups including SEND and disadvantaged,  in extra curricular and enrichment activities is strong.
  • The school curriculum is ambitious for all pupils. The curriculum is broad and effectively sequenced to ensure all pupils are challenged in their learning. All teachers have a strong understanding of the curriculum and how skills and knowledge are developed and retained in their specialist subject areas.
  • All pupils, including SEND and disadvantaged, produce work of a high quality and make strong progress in their learning.
  • A culture of continuous improvement exists.



  1. Pupil conduct is consistently excellent and pupils demonstrate consistently positive attitudes to learning
  2. Attendance is 2% above local and national averages, PA is 7 %  below local and national averages and Hard to Reach pupils have rigorous, bespoke and effective intervention plans in place
  3. Pupils demonstrate pride in themselves, their learning and our school.


  1. Literacy to be at the heart of the curriculum: All subjects will have completed embedding reading activities in all units of work; evidence of oracy starting to become embedded in some subjects
  2. Ensure a rigorous and sequential approach to the reading curriculum that develops pupils’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment in reading
  3. An effective intervention process is in place that ensures students struggling with literacy skills make rapid progress.

Quality of Education

  1. All staff use agreed teaching and learning approaches effectively
  2. Curriculum implementation is highly effective for all pupils across all subjects
  3. Develop a culture of continuous, evidence informed self improvement for all through CPDL.

Sixth Form

  1. Ensure the continued development of an ambitious Sixth Form curriculum
  2. Ensure strong post 16 recruitment and retention of learners
  3. Ensure post 16 learners engage in a range of activities and access opportunities that support preparations for adulthood
  4. Provide opportunities to improve pupils’ study habits and inspire a culture for independent learning.


  1. SEND pupils make strong progress in their learning
  2. Effective Quality Assurance of SEND provision across school
  3. Creation of a Life Skills curriculum for SEND Students adopting the Preparing for Adulthood Agenda.