If you want to feel good, why not do something good by Volunteering at Whickham School. Volunteering helps to foster a positive and nurturing school environment for the entire student body.

Getting involved in school life is a great way to meet new people, take on a challenge and give something back. It also creates a lasting impression on pupils by reinforcing the importance of charitable action and community spirit.

When it comes to helping out a little goes a long way!

Our volunteering can be tailored around your interests, skills and availability.Ā  You could come along to events, clubs and trips to support pupil activities, use your admin skills to help organise events and fundraising, or why not come along as a guest speaker and share your experiences of your working life which can provide invaluable enrichment to our Careers Programme.

The choices and benefits to both pupils and volunteers are limitless!

For an informal discussion on how you could support Whickham School through Volunteering please contact Debbie RossĀ dross@whickhamschool.org Ā 0191 4960026 (Ext 252) in the first instance.