KS4 Options (for September 2025)

Welcome to our options website for pupils in Year 9.

Our options booklet (published on Monday 03 March) provides a comprehensive overview of our options process.

Our event for parents runs from 5.30pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday 4 March 2025 with presentations starting at 5.30pm and 6.15pm.

Options forms must be completed no later than Thursday 13 March. Pupils MUST follow the instructions which will be sent to their school email on Wednesday 6 March. Forms returned late will only be considered after forms returned on-time.

Our initial letter to parents/carers has now gone out:


Subject presentations

Specialist subject teachers have made short videos to explain more about each course. They are grouped by faculty below:

English & Media
English language & English literature
Combined Science & Biology, Chemistry & Physics
GeographyHistoryReligious studies
Religious studies (core only)
French and German
BusinessComputer ScienceDT: Product Design
Food Preparation and NutritionBTEC Digital ITOCR National Engineering
CNAT Enterprise & Marketing
Creative Arts
Art (Fine Art or Textiles)MusicDrama
PE & Health
BTEC Health

General information is also available on the subjects pages on this website