Maths Curriculum

Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.

In maths lessons at Whickham, you will follow a five-year learning journey where each year builds upon the learning of previous years. Developing your depth of understanding of all strands of mathematics including number, geometry, algebra, probability and statistics. You will master each topic through fluency, problem solving and reasoning, equipping you with everything you need to be successful at GCSE and beyond. We have built in flexi time to our scheme of learning to allow teachers to adapt lessons after assessments. This gives us the opportunity to work on closing gaps in knowledge on a regular basis.


Maths Learning Journey

How can you help yourself?

  • Being properly equipped for your maths lessons is a great start. You need a scientific calculator as well as a protractor as well as your equipment pack. 
  • By scrolling down to your year group on this page, you will be able to access knowledge organisers for each block of your learning in school. You can use these to help you revise for assessments and to support you with your home learning tasks too. 
  • has videos on each topic, as well as practice questions and exam style questions, all with worked solutions. This is a great website to use for revision.
  • If you are ever unsure, please talk to your maths teacher or attend maths homework club for support. 


Mathematicians at Whickham


Year 7 Prior Knowledge


Year 7

Year 7 Knowledge Organisers


Year 8

Year 8 Knowledge Organisers


Year 9

Year 9 Knowledge Organisers


Year 10

Year 10 Knowledge Organisers (Foundation & Higher)


Year 11

Revision Topic Checklist


Y11 Foundation Knowledge Organisers


Y11 Higher Knowledge Organisers


Parents’/Carers’ Corner

You do not need to be a maths expert to help your child with their maths homework and revision! Here you will find some useful information on how to help your child, without having to be a confident mathematician. A key tip for parents is to stay positive about maths, even if it is a subject that terrifies you. Your child will pick up on negative thoughts around maths and this will only help to increase maths anxiety.


Watch your emails and for announcements on Class Charts throughout the year for key information about assessments, including dates and revision lists.


Your child has full access to all of the content above which can help to refresh their memory when completing maths homework or revision for assessments. Please encourage them to use it to support them when they are stuck. Their class teachers are also available outside of lesson time to help with homework, and we encourage them to come to speak to us if they need to.
Parents of Year 11 children may find the information below helpful to support your child with their upcoming maths assessments and summer GCSE exams, both in terms of preparation and surviving the exam periods.
Please remember that you can contact your child’s maths teacher should you have any questions or concerns; we are happy to help.