Personal Guidance


I’m Mrs Ross and I’m the School’s qualified Careers Guidance Advisor.Ā  My role includes the delivery of professional and quality independent Careers Advice and Guidance to Whickham students.

I arrange individual appointments with students in Years 10 and 12 and ensure that all students in Y11 have access to support and guidance sessions to aid their Post 16 planning.

I have a passion for education, inclusion, diversity and empowerment and helping students to be the very best they can be.Ā  I am thrilled to be able to support our students to achieve their fullest potential, to help them make a plan to reach their goals and achieve their aspirations whatever they may be.


1-2-1 Personal Guidance

The provision of personal guidance by a qualified careers adviser enables students to think
through three inter-related components:

Self Awareness

Personal guidance ensures that individuals have opportunity to realistically appraise their qualities and skills, roles and responsibilities, values, attitudes, needs, interests, aptitudes and achievements. Enabling students to better understand themselves and make informed choices.


Self Determination

Personal guidance serves to promote personal autonomy, self-efficacy and personal agency. It boosts hope, and supports students to become adaptable and resilient. In short it is empowering.



Self Improvement

Personal guidance fosters the skills of planning, review and reflection enabling students to sustain a positive attitude to learning throughout life.