

At Whickham School we believe that:

  • Good behaviour is essential in order for pupils to make outstanding progress in their learning. All pupils should be able to learn in an environment free from disruption.
  • Pupil wellbeing and safety are a fundamental responsibility of all stakeholders. All pupils should be free from bullying.
  • All pupils, parents and staff should have high expectations of behaviour at all times.
  • It is the responsibility of all pupils, parents and staff to develop positive learning behaviours in all pupils.
  • High quality teaching and learning promotes good behaviour.
  • Consistent application of lesson routines and behavioural systems is the key to establishing an environment where behaviour is good.Ā 
  • Effective communication between staff, pupils and parents or carers is fundamental in ensuring a positive culture of excellent behaviour is maintained at all times.Ā 
  • A culture of mutual respect between all stakeholders in school must be achieved.
  • Excellent behaviour should be recognised and rewarded.
  • Poor behaviour must be tackled and addressed. Where instances of poor behaviour occur it is vital that resolution is achieved through restorative approaches so that the poor behaviour does not continue.


All pupils are expected to:

  • Follow instructions at the first time of asking.
  • Respect themselves, each other and all staff.
  • Wear the school uniform with pride and ensure it is correct at all times including the journey to and from school.
  • Have excellent attendance and punctuality.
  • Be prepared for school and lessons by being fully equipped with learning materials.
  • Use appropriate language to all staff and pupils.
  • Have their mobile phones and headphones switched off and in their bag.
  • Walk, not run.
  • Talk, not shout.


A copy of the full Behaviour Policy can be downloaded here